Credit Card

Modern and easy way to take a loan.

4 reasons for openning account

Platinum have benefits:

  • 0 EUR/USD everymohth payments*
  • Free Email notifications*
  • High credit limit
  • Easy to get and use

Terms and service

Interest rate on the card as a percentage per annum: 4-31%
Service payment: 0 EUR/USD.
Cashback: up to 50%
overdraft fee: Free*.
Transfers: 10%

Customize your cashback

You can customize your cashback as you want, if you spend a lot on travel - feel free to choose a loyalty program for travelers, if you are a motorist, then choose for motorists.

Platinum will make your life better.

With love for you

You can spend your money around the world! We will help you in any country and on any continent!

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More about your credit card

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Do you have questions?

If you have questions, you can send email with to us.

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